Get On The Budget

Would you like your utility bill to be a consistent amount throughout the entire year?

We offer budget billing to help our members avoid (potentially significant) highs and lows in their utility bills depending on the season.

Does this plan fit your needs?

You can sign up for budget billing by simply calling our Member Service Department at 740-344-2102. 

Please note the following:

  • The account must be paid in full to qualify.
  • We would prefer that you have 12 months consumption history but will work with you if you do not.
  • The budget accounts may be adjusted during the month of March and September. At this time your budget amount may be increased or decreased depending on your usage, the weather and market conditions.
  • Accounts are renewed yearly with budget billing unless you tell us otherwise.

Budget Billing Adjustments

We review budget accounts in September and March to make sure the monthly payments cover your total energy use for 12 months. Your budget amount may increase or decrease after the review. Budget billing does not save you money. Instead, it helps you avoid high bills when you use more energy to heat and cool your home. If you are part of the budget billing program, you will build a credit during the year. This builds so you will not need to pay more than the budget when your energy use increases. When you pay more than your budget, it goes towards the account balance and does not change your next budget payment.