Together we can make a difference in our community!

In 2005, The Energy Cooperative’s Board of Directors adopted a Community Service Program called Operation Round Up. The program “rounds up” a member’s bill to the nearest dollar and that amount (which is completely tax deductible) is donated to local charities in our service area. All funds stay in the community to benefit our members.

Members are automatically enrolled in this program. The average amount any given member donates is just $0.50 per month, with the maximum being $12 per year.  Your bill shows the rounded-up amount, as well as the actual amount. At year’s end, you will receive your total contribution for that year on your monthly statement. If you choose not to participate in this community service program, call Member Services at 740-344-2102 or click to “opt out” below.

Operation Round Up Foundation

A separate foundation was established to oversee the program, called Energy Cooperative Round Up Foundation, Inc. Operation Round Up is having a favorable impact on our community and is available to eligible parties in our service area – not just members. This foundation has allocated funds to fire departments, senior citizen centers, schools, community agencies and youth programs. 

The Energy Cooperative’s Operation Round Up Foundation's mission is to utilize member contributions for the investments in programs and services that improve the quality of life for our Cooperative members in the communities we serve.

Board of Directors

  1. Nick Clark
  2. Jenny Morehead
  3. Spencer Barker
  4. Troy Scott
  5. John Klauder
  6. Todd Ware