Right-of-Way Maintenance
To keep electricity reliable and protect our members from any potential electrical hazards, we maintain the right-of-way (ROW) clearing. Trees touching power lines are the most common cause of service outages and “blinks” which can be dangerous.
Maintaining "Ground to Sky" Clearance
The ROW clearing includes cutting, mowing, and spraying 15 feet from a single-phase line and 20 feet from a three-phase line and certain distances around buried gas pipelines and electric facilities.
Spraying Overview
The Energy Cooperative uses selective herbicides to remove only unwanted weeds, brush and trees from Right-of Ways. This enhances wildlife habitats by promoting grasses, low-growing shrubs, and other ground cover that birds, deer, and small animals prefer.
We also use nonselective herbicides where total vegetation control is necessary. When doing so we practice precision application and use buffer zones to provide an extra measure of precaution by avoiding gardens, flowers and other plants important to members.
If you are planting a tree or installing a fence or another structure near underground utilities, please call OHIO811. They will measure the proper distances and check to see if the area you plan to dig is safe.