Welcome to The Energy Cooperative! We are not just a cooperative, but a community of members. Since 1936, we have been dedicated to bring safe, reliable, affordable energy to your community. What sets us apart is our commitment to personalized member service. You can contact us at 740-344-2102 or using the Contact Us link. Let us know how we can help! We look forward to showing you the cooperative difference.
Todd Ware
President & CEO
Safety is Our Top Priority
Manage Your Account
Download SmartHub App

SmartHub App
Download the SmartHub app and manage all aspects of your account from a mobile device. You can also log into SmartHub by clicking My Account.
Visit your mobile app store or click here to get started with SmartHub.
Operation Round Up

Operation Round Up
This community grant program “rounds up” a member’s bill to the nearest dollar and that amount is donated to local charities in our service area. All funds stay in the community to benefit our members.
Members are automatically enrolled in this program. If you choose not to participate in this program, call Member Services at 740-344-2102 or click here to “opt out”.
Customize Your Notifications

Customize Your Notifications
We can send you outage notifications, billing alerts and usage updates straight to your email or mobile device. All you need to do is tell us you want them! Use SmartHub to update your notifications preferences. When you log into your account from myenergycoop.com. Select Notifications > Manage Notifications from the drop down menu.
Questions? Give us a call! We are happy to help.